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More on Sustainability Goals

Global Challenges
Delivering Solutions for Global Challenges:
Align 100% of our innovation portfolio to meaningfully advance the UN SDGs and create value for our customers.
Enabling a Circular Economy
Enabling a Circular Economy:

Integrate circular economy principles into our business models considering lifecycle impacts in the markets we serve.

Innovating Safer by Design
Innovating Safer by Design:

Design 100% of our products and processes using sustainability criteria including the principles of green chemistry.
Acting on climate
Reduce Green House Gas (GHGs) emissions 30% including sourcing 60% of electricity from renewable energy. Deliver carbon neutral operations by 2050.
Water stewardship
Leading water stewardship:
Implement holistic water strategies across all facilities prioritizing manufacturing plants and communities in high-risk watersheds. Enable millions of people access to clean water through leadership in advancing water technology and enacting strategic partnerships.
Deliver world-class environmental health and safety performance
Delivering world-class health and safety performance:

Further our commitment to zero injuries, occupational illnesses, and incidents.
加速迪versity and Inclusion
加速迪versity and Inclusion:
Become one of the world’s most inclusive companies, with diversity well ahead of industry benchmarks.
Cultivating Well-being and Fulfillment:
Create a workplace where employees report high levels of well-being and fulfillment.
Building Thriving Communities
Building Thriving Communities:

Improve over 100 million lives through targeted social impact programs.